That's a lot of dead demons.
Hell on Earth.
See how the multiplayer plays in a live match.
The fast-paced multiplayer gets 12 minutes of new footage.
The update is free and adds a lot of new Nazi killin'.
That's a lot of country roads.
No griefing in the wasteland.
Take me home, country roads...
Meant to give fans a "better idea of where we're headed" says Pete Hines.
Space age technology for a space horror game.
Set ambushes or avoid combat altogether in the online title.
Development team also says this will be a strictly single-player experience.
Bethesda also wants to "double down" on features that players love.
Control various Nazi machines in 1980s Paris and cause some violence.
Has Bethesda gone too far? Spoiler: Yes.
The Vault managing simulator could be heading to PS4.
The listing has since been changed to December 31st 2019 by the retail site.
Bethesda reveals information regarding driveable vehicles and the protagonist.
Set in Vault 76, which opens 20 years after the nuclear war.
New game apaprently takes series in brand new direction.