Check out how both fighters enter the arena before battles and the expressions they can make using the directional buttons.
These variants offer their fair share of challenges, especially when your Master Rank build is still coming together. Here's how to take them down.
Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection, Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, Street Fighter 6, and Exoprimal are also playable at the physical event.
Here's how to defeat the last boss in the expansion's storyline and best the toughest boss in your grind through Master Rank.
It's currently unknown when the demo will become available again. Capcom has promised "more detailed information" as soon as it knows more.
11 Resident Evil games on PC are available in a new Humble Bundle that supports the Direct Relief charity. The bundle also features a 50% discount on Resident Evil Village.
In addition to new monsters and features, the Great Sword, Long Sword, and many other weapon skills have received improvements.
New Afflicted Monsters, Anomaly Investigations with random conditions, and more also coming. Weekly Event Quests also start August 18th.
Kimberly combines ninja techniques and spray paint for colorfully stylish combos while Juri unleashes a flurry of kicks upon her foes.
Chen serves as the first color commentator for the roster while Tasty Steve brings his own brand of hype as a play-by-play caster.
We analyze each aspect of Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City to try to understand where this promising concept went wrong.
Part of Title Update 1, the new mechanic allows for adding Attack Boost, Affinity Boost, Elemental Boost, and more to weapons.
Lucent Nargacuga and Seething Bazelgeuse will be showcased during the event along with other new monsters and content in the update.
Espinas and Magma Almudron are some of the toughest new monsters introduced in Sunbreak. Here's how to beat them (and Aurora Somnacanth).
The Master Rank grind is tough but here's how to defeat two of the toughest Elder Dragons in the game along with one angry monkey.
Meanwhile, 2020's remake of Resident Evil 3 has now sold over 5.4 million units worldwide, having sold 200,000 units over the course of the previous quarter.
Capcom's action RPG franchise continues to post impressive numbers, with expansions Iceborne and Sunbreak also selling well.
Sony promises "exciting content" and reveals from various developers and publishers at the Evo Lounge live show on August 5th and 6th.
Master Rank is a big step up from the base game in monster damage and health. Here's how to survive the initial encounters.
The update will be available free for all players and coincide with the release of The Winters' Expansion and the Gold Edition.