PS4 system architect discusses how KojiPro and Guerrilla worked together.
Even better than The Game Awards' footage? Count me in!
The Game Awards host talks Kojima's ordeals at Konami.
KojiPro's title could be running on Sony first party tech.
That left me speechless.
shinobi602 hints at upcoming potential reveals.
Takes place on December 3rd.
Will we get to see gameplay footage at last?
"This is the guy you want."
2015's Game of the Year edition now available.
Always good to get another look.
As opposed to playing as Normal Reedus.
The trailer, at least, was apparently made with Sucker Punch's engine.
It will also have online elements.
Now who could this be?
What a mess this has all been.
Is this ride ever going to end?
Konami finally clarifies what Mission 51 actually is.
Includes Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain with all DLC.
Loads being hinted at for Kojima's upcoming magnum opus.