The expansion is continuing to enjoy strong sales.
Acquire new Astral Armor, a Felyne Space Set, and more until February 14th.
First impressions aren't everything - here are 15 games that changed our minds.
Last year offered some of the toughest bosses in gaming yet - check them out here.
The fun video shows a violent motion capture scene.
Post-launch support for both versions will sync up in April.
Saves from before October 30th 2018 can now be safely accessed.
Even with slight performance issues, Iceborne still stands as an incredible expansion.
A patch in the coming days will update save files and also fix abnormally high CPU utilization.
That is a lot of monsters hunted.
The hunt is back on big time for PC players.
The new Elder Dragon is available to battle until January 4th 2020.
New Siege quest goes live on December 13th with new Awakened weapons.
Capcom details all of the changes and new features coming in tomorrow's Title Update.
The next big title update also brings new weapons and armor, and a new Guiding Lands region.
Okami HD, Mega Man 11, and Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection also hit 1 million units sold.
The massive expansion has proved to be very successful for Capcom.
Capcom has outlined a roadmap of updates for PC players.
Guardian Armor is coming to PC players while Rajang will arrive at a "later date."
New Layered Armor sets and Tempered Monsters also confirmed.