Killer Queen Black, Superhot: Mind Control Delete and more also coming.
"Blue ground" bug on consoles currently being investigated.
Re-Logic founder Andrew Spinks says doing business with Google "is a liability."
Activision's shooter franchise is one of the most successful entertainment properties of all time.
Blizzard is going to take Warcraft down the Diablo path in the mobile market.
The Anemo user joins the roster with the most recent update.
The publisher's Star Wars titles have sold 52 million copies across all platforms.
Project Winter, Ghost of a Tale and Jurassic World Evolution also coming this month.
The last Yaksha debuts tomorrow with update 1.3.
No reason not to check out these gems.
A look at the region of Liyue.
Two new biomes, new weapons and enemies, and much more arrive in the latest DLC.
Update 1.5 has also been sent for certification on consoles.
The Nexus War event and third-party cosmetics also helped drive player numbers up.
More pop culture cross-pollination for the popular shooter.
"All That Glitters" arrives on February 3rd for all platforms.
The free week begins on January 26th with the launch of the Fatal Falls DLC.
MiHoYo details the various challenges faced when creating the snow-covered region.
The first season's qualifiers start in February.
One Fragile Resin will be doled out every 10 levels going forward.