Producer Kazutoki Kono clarified that the bonus won't be a remastered version of Ace Combat 5.
The online test will be available in 4 hour durations for each day.
The game will be available on Steam in just a week's time!
Bandai Namco clears the air on all the confusion surrounding the Switch version.
The Square Enix duo rules the roost yet again.
Launches on November 2 (November 11 in Europe).
Plus, Isabelle confirmed as a fighter for Smash Bros.
It’s actually a bit bigger than the base PS4 version was.
Don't expect a large open world, though.
The trailer basically offers an overview of the entire game.
The legendary pirate returns, armed with his signature sword and gunblade.
Yusuke Tomizawa replaces series veteran Hideo Baba; currently working on Tales of Vesperia remaster.
But an acknowledgement is as much as you are getting.
The trailer focuses on what is probably the series’ best cast to date.
The remastered RPG has been delayed from its initial 2018 release.
The video, titled 'A Place For A Thriller', is the first entry in the developer diary series.
Quite a bit to chew on in this update.
“We’re thinking about it.”
The producer also stated that they've prioritized bringing aircraft that are popular among fans.
The Square Enix megaton duo continues to dominate the charts.