Roughly 424 pages of artwork, interviews, sketches and much more await.
Nintendo's hardware continues to show off its versatility.
"Get ready. It’s on the horizon."
So that should end that expectation.
The game will be playable through streaming, and will become available in Japan on May 24.
FDG Entertainment spoke to Gamingbolt about their upcoming game, Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom.
European players don't have to wait long.
A complete video walkthrough for Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze.
This looks amazing!
The Switch indie game success stories keep on rolling in.
But it seems like all platforms had healthy software sales.
You can register to play "For Fun" or "For Glory".
It will use the same client as the official online beta, too.
Combines racing and shooting (obviously).
Looks like it's happening, then.
On Xbox One, VR, iOS, Android, and Windows 10.
Presumably it launches in the west around then as well.
A rather depressing week on the whole.
Burn rubber, baby!
The path of rituals and research.