And no, it's not indie.
PS3/PS2 provide $16.5 million in hardware sales.
Developers can now obtain licenses for developing and distributing Mobile games for free.
And yes, that means Touch Fight mode.
Complete Soul Sacrifice with the help of this HD video walkthrough and game guide.
This is the game's first week at retail.
Marvelous AQL's success with the handheld continues.
Not sure if this entire drama was needed.
Though not officially confirmed, there's every confirmation that it will indeed be on Sony's handheld.
Nintendo's handheld sees a massive uprise this week.
Commence face melting.
The indie platformer makes its way to the PlayStation Store.
Complete Guacamelee! with the help of this HD video walkthrough and game guide.
That's an accurate assessment but many fans would disagree.
Ubisoft expands the range of platforms for their delayed platformer.
Unlock trophies, find orbs and do more in Guacamelee!
All the information you need for Killzone Mercenary.
Still a rumour.
Sly returns for another romp on Sony's handheld.