New sales data provided by the GSD reveals the Dead Space remake has sold less in Europe in its first two weeks than The Callisto Protocol did.
The patch also optimizes combat AI when the player is facing multiple enemies, improves ray tracing performance on PC, and more.
The Outer Way Skin Collection will also be available for Season Pass owners, adding Outer Way Armor for protagonist Jacob Lee.
Dead Space launched at a higher price and for fewer platforms, while also having limited stock. Forspoken also debuts in the top 10.
In space, no one can hear Dead Space ripping The Callisto Protocol's limbs apart.
Players who have completed the game can start a new playthrough while carrying over weapons, upgrades and Callisto Credits.
The survival horror title cost 200 billion won (or roughly $162 million) to make over three years, not including marketing.
"We're talking full-time employees with over a year invested in the title, and had a hand in significant parts of the product," says one anonymous source.
Released last weekend, the new update also makes healing and weapon switching faster as part of the improvements to combat.
Aside from the general quality of life changes and localization optimizations, PS4 players can sync their Trophies via PSN.
Here's how to find the Implant Bio Harvests and Data-Bios Audio Logs present in the game, along with unlocking different skins.
The Callisto Protocol has plenty in common with EA's sci-fi horror IP, but it also diverges from it in some key ways.
Striking Distance Studios CEO Glen Schofield explains that PlayStation only provided development support for the horror title on the performance capture front.
The sci-fi horror has quite the ending. Where does the series go now? Check out how the upcoming DLC or a potential sequel could work.
The survival horror title has gorgeous visuals, excellent sound design, and an interesting set-up. So why does it falter so much?
Striking Distance Studios is "listening" to feedback and currently working on further optimizations for PC and consoles.
A complete guide to all the weapons, their schematic locations and upgrades in the game.
The Callisto Protocol was billed as the heir to Dead Space's throne, but sadly, it's turned out to be little more than a pretender.
The fastest ways to earn money in The Callisto Protocol.
The Callisto Protocol debuted in sixth place while Marvel's Midnight Suns placed 26th in the UK physical charts ending December 3rd.