Archive For Reviews Category

Dragon Ball: Origins 2 Review

Dragon Ball: Origins 2 Review

Most English-speaking people know Dragon Ball because of its sequel, Dragon Ball Z. The adventures of Son Goku and his friends appeared on television and in comic stores, and in the 90’s the franchi... Read More

Mafia II Review

Mafia II Review

With games like Grand Theft Auto IV, and more recently, the spectacular Red Dead Redemption having come out of the Take-Two Banner, a lot was expected of Mafia II, the sequel to what was a beautiful, ... Read More

Actual Crimes: Jack the Ripper Review

Actual Crimes: Jack the Ripper Review

Actual Crimes: Jack the Ripper is one of those sad point and click games where you do a lot of pointing and clicking and seemingly no actual puzzle solving. Released on the Playstation network in the ... Read More

Dead Rising 2: Case Zero Review

Dead Rising 2: Case Zero Review

Dead Rising 2: Case Zero is a prequel to Dead Rising 2 which won't be released until later this month making Case Zero the perfect time to be released.  It is an arcade game exclusively for the Xbox ... Read More

Castle Crashers Review

Castle Crashers Review

Perhaps one of the most wanted Xbox Live Arcade game by Playstation 3 owners is non other than Castle Crashers, with the game being released on the Xbox 360 about two years ago, its about time Playsta... Read More

R.U.S.E. Reviewed

R.U.S.E. Reviewed

With the release of Starcraft 2 so recently behind us, it seems both brave and foolish to release another RTS game so soon. R.U.S.E however, packs a serious strategic punch and offers a more macro-ori... Read More

The Room Tribute Review

The Room Tribute Review

As a self professed “core gamer” I have always considered the humble flash game to be beneath my well honed expertise. With games such as Farmville hoarding so many hours within the casual gaming ... Read More

Metroid: Other M Review

Metroid: Other M Review

I'm a big fan of Nintendo. I eagerly await every single instalment of their core franchises, and whilst I'm sometimes disappointed by what I receive, I never hold it against the big N. That said, I mu... Read More

Playmobil: Knight Review

Playmobil: Knight Review

I'm generally not a superstitious individual, but as of late I've started questioning my fortune. Indeed it seems my luck is waning as of late, as I'm tasked with reviewing yet another Playmobil game.... Read More

Shank Review

Shank Review

Since the days of the Greeks we have had heroes questing to save/revenge their women. From the days of Donkey Kong we've had a similar thing going on in our video games. In 2,500 years of story tellin... Read More

Worms: Reloaded Review

Worms: Reloaded Review

Team 17 hit their peak in 1999 when they released Worms: Armageddon, the sequel to the sleeper hit Worms and Worms 2. Whilst the original was criticised for a limited weapon arsenal and barely visible... Read More

All Star Karate Review

All Star Karate Review

Love it or hate it, the QTE (quick time event) has been a staple of modern gaming ever since it was brilliantly demonstrated by 1999's classic Dreamcast exclusive Shenmue. Other games have further pop... Read More

Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days Review

Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days Review

T. S. Elliot, Poet and critic extraordinaire, once said that art does not exist in a vacuum and  can only be a viewed in relation to a personal history. I think the same can be applied to games, as y... Read More

International Athletics Review

International Athletics Review

I would never call myself a philosopher, but I sometimes like to meditate on life's big questions. What is our purpose in life? Is there such a thing as true happiness? Can humans discern between good... Read More

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable Review

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable Review

When I was told that the folks over at Atlus had mixed a social simulator with Jungian psychology into a JRPG framework, I laughed heartily at what seemed to be a rather ridiculous idea. I stopped lau... Read More

Castlevania: Harmony of Despair Review

Castlevania: Harmony of Despair Review

People trust too much. I love Xbox Live and I know it will continue on future Microsoft consoles, but some day (as with the original Xbox) the 360 will lose online support. Where does that leave us wi... Read More

Playmobil: Circus Review

Playmobil: Circus Review

Being a game critic isn't always fun and games (excuse the pun). Aside from legions of immature fan-boys questioning your mothers sexual decency every time you disagree with their opinion you are also... Read More

Tournament of Legends Review

Tournament of Legends Review

“Why waggle!? Why must you destroy so many decent titles with your ineffective control methods?! WHY?!!!” It was after shouting this that I had to swiftly correct myself, realising that the game i... Read More

2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa Review

2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa Review

2010 FIFA World Cup is the latest instalment of the world’s favourite sport in video game form. Not baseball, NASCAR or hand-egg ball: I’m talking about Proper Football. As usual, EA Sports is res... Read More

Sniper: Ghost Warrior Review

Sniper: Ghost Warrior Review

The FPS is a versatile genre. It's comfortable on both PC and the home consoles and is able to grab the attention of almost any gamer, provided the mechanics are solid. It's because of this versatilit... Read More