Digital sales form a significant portion of overall UK sales according to new data.
Find the full patch notes inside.
Defeating these tougher deities will net some special new gear for players.
You'll have to wait an extra week before battling undead pharaohs and huge scorpions.
Ramp up the difficulty while keeping all your progress or go on some virtual tours.
The violence-free, interactive educational mode contains 75 tours to experience.
Season Pass attach rate is also much better than for the 2015 title.
Ubisoft will have "more information to share soon".
The Hidden Ones DLC doesn't do anything Origins itself didn't, but then again, it doesn't need to.
Explore a brand new region and combat the Hidden Ones along with other threats.
Bayek tackles the Roman Empire and The Hidden Ones in a new region with this DLC.
More for hardcore assassins to dig into.
Discovery Tour and The Curse of the Pharaohs DLC also receive release dates.
New Heka Chest items and a whole bunch of bug fixes also coming with today's patch.
New premium items, Heka chest items and two powerful bosses will be available this month.
From saving the world to supernatural heists, this year was full of awesome RPG experiences.
Available till December 26th, the boss battles offer a chance at Legendary items and a unique outfit.
A fantastic month with every game and system doing well.
Along with a whole host of other things.
Nothing is forbidden, they said. Everything is permitted, they said.