That's a good deal, even for Destiny.
The weekly refresh is now here.
Maybe this will help.
The latest in what is becoming a long line of cool weapons.
Some Year 2 and some Year 1 weapons are getting this boost.
Bungie needs to get on this.
Bungie won't confirm this new use for silver.
Your first in-depth look at the Sleeper Simulant exotic fusion rifle.
FIFA 16 manages to outsell both Metal Gear Solid 5 and Destiny: The Taken King in September.
New toys to play with!
The sins of Year One have finally led to a great online FPS experience.
This week's new Exotic is for Hunters.
Change to consumable prevents Exotic farming from rapidly killing Ultras.
The Touch of Malice is one of the better exotics out there.
Previous raid took an hour less.
Breaking previous records, which were in turn set by Destiny one year ago.
Of course, this was always going to happen.
Activision rocks all the socks.
Keep calm and don't panic.