Various members of the development team speak about the recent media event.
So stealth will actually work like stealth this time.
Naughty Dog confirms it's going to be a purely single player experience.
"To tell this kind of story the game needed to be massive," says director Neil Druckmann.
An art book, Ellie statue and much more on offer with the Collector's Edition.
Sony also drops a new trailer for the hugely anticipated title.
"You really gonna go through with this?"
Naughty Dog continues to tease fans en route to the State of Play reveal.
A retailer leak may have spilled the beans on The Last of Us Part 2's launch date.
At the very least, we'll be getting a new trailer.
Sony clarifies a mistake from last week.
That's a big, big chunk of the game.
The event runs from from October 3rd to October 6th.
The Last of Us is a true gem and has many secrets to prove it.
The eagerly awaited PS4 exclusive could finally receive some new gameplay footage.
You can use Clickers to your advantage.
A stealth section was reportedly shown in private.
"I don’t think Joel believes he’s a hero," says the man who plays Joel.
The Naughty Dog title is supposedly in line for a May 2020 launch.
"As much as you'e clamouring for it, you're not ready," says the voice of Joel.