The Judicator of Secrets will be available tomorrow when Version 3.1 launches as part of the new Event Wish banner with Candace.
The 4-star Hydro character will be available in Event Wishes when the Version 3.1 update goes live on September 28th.
The Sumeru merchant is a 4-star Electro user and fights with Claymores. Along with firing Electro projectiles, she can summon Jinni for various benefits.
Regarded as a "resourceful merchant," the 4-star Electro user is plenty capable in a fight. Along with Claymores, she wields a magical lamp.
Living outside Sumeru City, the Avidya Forest Watcher cares for the woods and senses a "strange phenomenon" affecting them.
Three new characters - Tighnari, Collei and Dori - will be available in addition to new foes, bosses, quests, and mechanics.
People who value rationality and wisdom, a faction of mercenaries, evolved Shroom-Kin, and various NPCs await in the new region.
Imbibing a more distinct fantasy theme, Sumeru offers extensive rain forests while a desert and mysterious ruins are located to the west.
For as good as these games are, they still have some pretty annoying flaws that are hard to ignore. Take a closer look here.
The Golden Apple Archipelago is now available along with a new 4-star Sword, the Summertime Odyssey Event and a new story quest.
The Tenryou Commission's detective is a 4-star Anemo user who relies on deductive reasoning and martial artists to get the job done.
Ahead of the new region's release, miHoYo has released new artwork and details for three new characters that will be debuting.
The nation where Dendro rules is coming in the near future. Meanwhile, the Fatui Harbingers also make plans to visit the region.
Part of the Tenryou Commission, Heizou is touted as the undisputed number one detective. Despite having a catalyst, he fights with his fists and feet.
New outfits for Diluc and Fischl and a new 4-star character Shikanoin Heizou are coming along with new events, areas and story quests.
The new 4-star Electro wielder sacrifices part of her HP to create AoE fields that damage nearby enemies and heal active characters.
The Deputy Leader of the Arataki Gang is a 4-star character who uses a sword and Electro abilities. Her banner goes live on June 21st.
The 5-star bow-wielding Hydro user has a repertoire of highly damaging attacks based on her maximum health. Her banner is currently live.
New weapons, two new characters in Yelan and Kuki Shinobu, a new Archon Quest, and a new event in The Chasm among other content await.
The 5-star Hydro wielder and bow user is one of two new characters coming in the Version 2.7. She's also part of the new Archon Quest.