miHoYo's online RPG will soon receive a meaty new update that will add new characters to play as, a new area to explore, and much more.
The leader of the Arasaki gang, Arasaki Itto will be coming as a playable character to Genshin Impact on December 14th.
Shenhe utilizes the Cryo Vision and is a pupil of the Cloud Retainer while Yun Jin is a Geo user who's director of the Yun-Han Opera Troupe.
Sony's newest console is almost a year old and achieved great success. Let's take a look at some of its greatest games thus far.
From sweeping vistas to in-depth cities with unforgettable adventures, these open world titles have definitely stood out throughout the years.
Whether it's real-time hack and slash action, looter shooters or big budget open world titles, these action RPGs are the creme of the crop.
Various events, from carrying out investigations to defeat a strange new enemy to the Labyrinth Warriors' tough fights, will also be available.
These figures make Genshin Impact the third-highest grossing video game on mobile platforms during the first year period following its launch.
The latest 5-star character to join the roster serves as a capable healer and damage dealer. Find out more about her abilities here.
The newest 5-star character is focused on healing but can deal exceptional damage as well. Her character banner goes live tomorrow.
Explore two new islands in the Inazuma region, along with two new Domains. Or simply sit back and fish to your heart's content.
The ruler of the Inazuma Shogunate will be available in the title's next character banner with the launch of update 2.1 tomorrow.
As bodyguard to the Raiden Shogun, Sara will be available in a new character banner with update 2.1, which goes live tomorrow.
Signora returns as a new boss in the Trounce Domain while new characters like Kujou Sara and Sangonomiya Kokomi join the fray.
Other titles include Sifu, Back 4 Blood, Genshin Impact, Replaced, LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga and possibly Unknown 9: Awakening.
The talented fireworks technician wields a bow and utilizes Pyro techniques to decimate foes. Her character banner goes live tomorrow.
Releasing October 13th for PS4 and PS5 players first, Aloy can throw a projectile that splits on impact or unleash a Cryo arrow with large AoE.
As part of a collaboration with Sony, the protagonist of the Horizon series will be available for PS4/PS5 players in October.
As one of several new characters, Ayaka relies on Iai techniques and bursts of Cryo damage. She can also traverse across water while dashing.
As one of the newest 5 star characters, Ayaka will be available tomorrow when update 2.0 goes live in a new character banner with Yanfei.