Game Overview:
Watch Dogs is an open world action adventure title developed and published by Ubisoft.
The game takes place in a fictional version of Chicago, and sees players taking on the role of hacker Aiden Pearce.
We take a look back at 2014’s controversial yet intriguing open world hacking based title, Watch_Dogs.
The live action Watch Dog adaptation, which stars Sophie Wilde and Tom Blyth and has been directed by Mathieu Turi, started filming in July.
All these titles go live on May 21st, though Guerrilla Games' Horizon Zero Dawn is also leaving the service on the same day.
Content creator j0nathan claims that Ubisoft cancelled multiple Watch Dogs projects following the commercial failure of Watch Dogs: Legion.
The film will be directed by Mathieu Turi, with Christie LeBlanc writing an original screenplay and Sophie Wilde in talks to star.
Watch Dogs: Legion players who own the Season Pass on next-gen can play the original game soon.
Experience the past and the future of Watch Dogs together.
Next week, Figment and Tormentor x Punisher will be free.
Revisit the first game in the open world series for free next week.
Along with the Best Developer of 2014.
Which game did not delivered on the promise?
Disappointment after disappointment.
2014: A year notorious for bullshots.
What is Ubisoft trying to hide?
Watch Dogs Assassinates Unity.
The Wii U version is already toned down on release.
Ubisoft Montreal executive Lionel Raynaud also touches on the mindset for making Watch Dogs 2.
Broken promises.'re starting to do stupid things again.
And it looks pretty great!
Stalk your friends around the grid.
Beijing, San Francisco Bay Area, London and more.
Ubisoft is teasing a brand new city for Watch Dogs.
A damn good offer.
A cool little cosmetic detail for PS4 trophies.
And of course, this automatically applies to gaming PCs.
VP of digital publishing Chris Early talks about doing DLC right.
You finally get it to look like the E3 2012 debut demo, WILL YOU STOP BITCHING NOW?
Bringing closer to its original vision.
Also responds to allegations of 'downgrading' the game.
Who's watching the watchers? Who's watching the gamers? Who's watching the readers?
As well as online issues.
“It’s costing a bit more than I expected," says Yves Guillemot.
Back to before.
Meanwhile, WildStar and Tomodachi Life debut.
Glitches and amazing details galore.
"Chicago is my playground and I’m enjoying every moment," says GamingBolt's Andy Brice.
It's a good thing the "Kinekt" doesn't actually exist, right?
Best selling Ubisoft launch title ever.
Another let down from the vaults of Ubisoft.
We're not sure that included the giant mechanical spider but anything's possible.
Lana. Lana. LANA!
Sales figures have yet to be provided however.
Whether this is a design flaw or a bug, this is surely stupid.
Chicago Never Looked This Good.
A complete guide for Watch Dogs .
A complete video walkthrough for Watch Dogs.
PC players can expect performance increases with the launch of Ubisoft's open world title.
Take control of a police chopper and hunt down console & PC players.
Welcome to Chicago.
The jury is no longer out on this one.
Some screenshots showing the extent of vehicle damage in Watch_Dogs.
Graphical issues with Ubisoft's open world title may be resolved sooner than we thought.
Abstergo employees roam the streets of Chicago in Watch Dogs.
Watch Dogs seems to be firing all cylinders on the PlayStation 4.
Users with GTX 780 Ti's report frame rate issues on Ultra settings among other issues.
Requires 3 GB VRAM for ultra quality textures.
We also compare the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions.
The Wii U version of the game may finally be revealed at next month's expo.
But the game does look gorgeous at the end of the day.
How does Chicago compare to Liberty City and Los Santos?
Alongside a map of the city.
Ubisoft says that false reviews of the game have been circulating.
Some amazing Watch_Dogs facts that you may not be aware about.
Yes, we're serious.
Ubisoft Montreal releases new video for the open world hacking game.
In development since 2009, Ubisoft's newest open world adventure is ready to ship.
Ubisoft's open world title receives a host of new details.
"You want to have a steady framerate, but you want to have dynamism at the core of the experience," explains the game's creative director.
Has Sony accidentally revealed the resolution and frame rate for Watch Dogs on PS4?
Two online features have also been confirmed as exclusive to next-gen versions.
Over 9000!!! ...Megabytes
After helping to ship other versions, the dev team is now to developing the Wii U version.
Ubisoft's Tony Key says that Watch Dogs is a "long term play".
Cyborgs? Cyborgs! Also, early access to DLC.
Jonathan Morin talks more about the competitive aspects of Watch Dogs.
Ubisoft's Danny Belanger has also explained how you won't be hacked if you don't want to be.
Creative director Jonathan Morin also clarifies "Notoriety" for multiplayer.
See how well Ubisoft's stunning upcoming game fares against the real world .
"At Ubisoft, you need to define something that is not just a gimmick."
Watch Dogs is looking better and better with weeks to go before release.
Creative director Jonathan Morin talks about further exploring the thematics of the series.
Ubisoft Montreal's team members about their upcoming hacking adventure.
Senior producer Dominic Guay confirms DualShock 4 touchpad support and present lack of Kinect plans.
The Cyberpunk, Dedsec + Chicago Club and other DLC packs stand to become yours.
However, creative director Jonathan Morin can't say when.
'We expect it to go toe to toe with the biggest titles of the year.'
Animation director Colin Graham says Watch Dogs "has more animation than any Ubisoft Production to date".
Ubisoft's Wayne Greenwell also believes it will be one of the best selling new IPs in a while.
Senior producer Dominic Guay talks about the challenges in developing for multiple platforms.
Ubisoft's Francis Boivin and Dominic Guay discuss the game's visual presentation.
The delay also helped animate Aiden Pearce's thumbs better.
Managing director David Polfeldt says that between delivering on time and quality, the latter wins.
Way to go, Ubisoft.
You'll need a fairly hefty rig to experience Watch Dogs on Ultra.
Creative director Jonathan Morin clarifies details about the PS4 demo at PAX and the controls.
Ubisoft's open world hacking adventure is already looking great on PC.
Jonathan Morin says the delay meant ensuring everything worked.
"I simply think there's a great place for sophistication in games."
"It's not concessions, we're trying to do the exact same game."
No where to run, Uplay haters.
"We know everything, and we can use it against you."
Parkour will be contextual like in Assassin's Creed.
It's an actual smartphone, ironically enough.
Animation director Colin Graham talks about the open world hacking title.
You can hack to get music and the lake in the countryside of the map is 'huge'.
A glimpse at what players can expect in the game.
Cars have cockpit view? Oh yeah, they do.
Footage is apparently the PC version running at 1080p resolution.
"They look pretty much the same from what I can tell. On the animation side they are identical."
Watch Dogs will have sc-fi elements but Ubisoft won't reveal what they are.
Ubisoft shows off the cityscape of its open world hacking adventure.
Ubisoft reveals new information for Watch_Dogs.
Ubisoft has some big ideas that wouldn't have fit in the first game but will be in the sequel.
Ubisoft is all praises about Sony's new console.
Creative director Jonathan Morin says there won't be any difference in terms of gameplay.
Aiden Pearce runs evermore afoul of DedSec in some new missions.
This is if you collect everything and play all side missions along with the story.
Creative director Jonathan Morin also provides new details on Watch Dogs.
Don't expect jets and choppers.
Former Epic Games dev believes that publishers catering to current-gen is the problem.
"They forced us to go, but in the end they were right."
Wii U version to look as good as the PS3/360 versions.
See how the Share button works in Ubisoft's open world adventure.
Judge the difference in Ubisoft's open world hacking adventure for yourself.
Jonathan Morin talks Watch Dogs and gameplay possibilities.
Ubisoft offering plenty of time to Romania studio for development.
The controversy over Watch Dogs' visuals continues.
Up to eight players in your game? Or a new multiplayer mode? That's the question.
The game's supposed visual degradation heavily overshadows news of its release.
Mark your calendar.
New trailer with release news incoming tonight?
According to product manager David Thériault, that is.
A recent pop-up advertisement indicates a new trailer to be revealed.
Director Kun Chang lists the same on his official page.
Ubisoft says nothing, as usual.
Ubisoft clarifies reports of abandoning its principal trademark for Watch Dogs.
Let the conspiracy theories commence.
Delays in development were necessary.
UK retailers still accepting pre-orders.
"I didn't think we'd see performance differences this large so early, but the jury is still out."
25 reasons why 2014 is going to truly be a 'Happy' New Year!
The newest Official Xbox Magazine sure seems to think so.
And that's not including the marketing costs.
But Watch Dogs never "started life" as a Driver game.
The open world hacker is still very much bustling.
2014 has some great action adventure titles coming and we can't wait for the new year to roll around.
The leading physics engine will power some of Ubisoft's biggest games.
And hopefully, it won't be delayed again.
Will Ubisoft's open world hacker take its premier stealth series forward?
Aiden Pearce. Before and after.
Nelson claims "a mix up at Ubisoft when they provided this video".
Ubisoft keeps on building the hype for Watch Dogs.
Like, seriously.
This is according to a small print in yesterday's "Best Place to Play" trailer.
However, it was still the right decision according to IDC's Lewis Ward.
Ubisoft's current long term goal is "win the next generation".
The second quarter of 2013-14 should exceed €210 million.
Things aren't looking good for Ubisoft.
Both current and next gen versions of the previously November-bound title have been delayed.
Off-screen gameplay footage emerges for Ubisoft Montreal's next.
PS3 scores a coup in India.
"It's cool to play it just on the GamePad'
What will you need to enjoy the open world title on PC? Find out here.
Install size suspected to be the same as GTA 5.
Morin's thoughts on the the future of Watch Dogs
Watch Dogs vs GTA V
30 FPS on Xbox One and PS4, two discs on Xbox 360, and visual performance between current and next gen for Wii U version.
Shots fired indeed.
DedSec edition unboxing video shows off the goods.
Indepth video shows more about this exciting open world game.
The AAAs make their appearance at PAX.
Nvidia ties up with Ubisoft.
Watch_Dogs' newest promotional tools
Watch Dogs already planned to make its way to film
Aiden Pearce, like a boss, as always.
Creative director Jonathan Morin talks about playing Watch Dogs in different ways.
Take a look at the upcoming hack system from Watch Dogs.
Use this sleek, stealthy vehicle as you see fit when the game releases.
Creative director calls the recent fiasco "indeed hilarious".
New trailer shows off old stuff.
Meanwhile, Call of Duty: Ghosts pre-orders are higher on the Xbox One.
GTA V, Assassin's Creed IV and Battlefield 4 also showing strong numbers.
The relationships you maintain will influence your overall success.
Tony Key discusses how it's currently too expensive to just "fire and forget".
New details on Ubisoft's upcoming open world action game.
A venerable all-star line-up from Ubisoft Montreal answers our questions about the open world adventure.
Ubisoft Montreal plan to support Watch Dogs for a while
Senior producer Dominic Guay denies Person of Interest similarities.
Viral Marketing for the win
Senior producer Dominic Guay talks design and scale for the open world adventure.
Check out how Watch_Dogs multiplayer will function.
The publisher's film division is adding three more projects to production.
Prepare to be watched this November (and not by the Xbox One. RIMSHOT).
Cinematic animation lead Lars Bonde talks research and interactions with "specialists".
It looks so simple and yet.
This is some line up.
Ubisoft to release 6 next-gen titles in the first year of Xbox One
Get in on the extra content for Ubisoft's open world title.
But Jonathan Morin does want to find a win-win solution for bringing players together.
More details from Watch Dogs pour in.
Check out all the latest details on Ubisoft's hacking epic.
All specially licensed for your pleasure.
Same game experience.
Not surprising because Sony and Ubisoft have done this before.
Fight the city, using the city in the latest gameplay trailer.
New gameplay footage?
Cars, essentially. And rather nice cars at that.
Creative director Jonathan Morin also talks taking advantage of PS4 with time and resources currently available.
Believes it will "change the experience or become an essential part of the story".
Well this was a given.
Could it be console specific or is Ubisoft back to their wily ways?
Information blowout.
Everything you want to know about the game.
This probably only applies for Ubisoft.
PS4 is shaping up to be an impressive console for development.
The console will release this holiday season. And it's bringing a few friends.
The game looks pretty good.
No official confirmation.
Watch Dogs next-gen title?
Might appear on Wii U along with PS3 and XBox 360.
Ubisoft is hiring.
Check out the thoughts of those developing Ubisoft's next big action adventure title.
2013 will bring a ton of new IPs.
Ubisoft has announced its GamesCom line-up for 2012 and it's what you expect, and no, there's no Watch Dogs here. They will reveal new free-to-play titles and also discuss Ubisoft's strategy for onl... Read More
Once upon, there was something called the Electronic Entertainment Expo, mystically referred to at times as "E3". E3 was the gaming conference of the year, drastically altering an industry's fiscal y... Read More
Ubisoft have acknowledged that hundreds of email addresses that were accidentally leaked as part of an ARG viral campaign for the forthcoming Watch Dogs. However, whilst they may have acknowledged ... Read More
When Ubisoft showed Watch Dogs at E3 this year, people were stunned. We saw something that was not only a showcase for what video games are capable of, but also showed a glimpse of what next gen has... Read More
Ubisoft have inadvertently leaked thousands of fans' email addresses in an alternate reality game, Dotconnexion, gone awry. After the rapturous reception Watch Dogs received at Ubisoft's E3 confere... Read More
We all know it's probably going to be a next-gen game, even though it was announced for the PS3 and 360. The game captivated the entire E3 audience and gamers worldwide with its tremendous graphics wh... Read More
This year's E3 was pretty underwhelming as you can see from our reviews of Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Ubisoft and EA. However, one thing that stood out was that it also gave us a glimpse of next-gen g... Read More
Executive Producer Dominic Guay, has outlined the mobile functionality for Ubisoft's upcoming hack-em-up Watch Dogs. Watch Dogs was one of the few huge surprises of E3, looking like a bold new dire... Read More
[drop-cap]C[/drop-cap]heck out these Watch Dogs wallpapers in HD. You can use these wallpapers for your PlayStation 3, iPad, Computer desktop and other similar devices. Watch Dogs is due out next yea... Read More
Update: It's headed for PS3, Xbox 360 and PC, Ubisoft has confirmed. No platforms listed yet for Ubisoft's new IP titled Watchdog, but it was one the most amazing thing I have ever seen at a press c... Read More